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A National Skills Coalition (NSC) report found that 90 percent of jobs in Illinois require digital skills. However, previous NSC research found one-third of workers don’t have the foundational digital skills they need to enter and thrive in today’s workforce. Together, these findings point to a significant digital skills divide. This report also found that closing the digital skills divide can increase workers’ income and reduce costs for employers associated with workforce turnover.

What can you learn through Digital Crossover?
Virtual Resume Writing sessions.
In Person Job Search.
Resume writing.
Cover letter sessions.
Entrepreneur Virtual Sessions.
Learn to Publish a Book Virtual Sessions.
And more...
Learn some tips and tricks from Coach Danita Sims in the videos below!
Digital Crossover
**Chance to win a free laptop when you participate & also learn about Comcast internet essentials program**
Inquire Here!
Kishwaukee United Way and The Growing Place have partnered to bring you the Children’s LIVE UNITED eBook. You can find it here!

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